Truth is above mind; it is in silence that one can enter into communication with it.
To pray to the Divine and to surrender oneself entirely and in all sincerity to Him are the essential preliminary conditions.
The Mother – Words of the Mother – II : CWM, Vol. 14, p. 199
To speak always the truth is the highest title of nobility.
One drop of truth is worth more than an ocean of false information.
The Mother – Words of the Mother – II : CWM, Vol. 14, p. 201
He who sincerely wants to serve the Truth will know the Truth.
The Mother – Words of the Mother – II : CWM, Vol. 14, p. 199
A fifteen-year-old girl asked: “What is Truth?”
I answered: “The Will of the Supreme Lord.”
It is a subject for contemplative meditation.
The Mother – Some Answers from the Mother : CWM, Vol. 16, p. 438
When men will be disgusted with the falsehood in which they live, then the world will be ready for the reign of the Truth.
The Mother – Words of the Mother – II : CWM, Vol. 14, p. 195
This earth is still governed by ignorance and falsehood. But the time has come for the manifestation of Truth.
The Mother – Words of the Mother – II : CWM, Vol. 14, p. 194
O aspirant to the perfect way of life,
Here find it; rest from search and live at peace.
Ours is the home of cosmic certainty.
Here is the truth, God’s harmony is here.
But I must pass leaving the ended search,
Truth’s rounded outcome firm, immutable
And this harmonic building of world-fact,
This ordered knowledge of apparent things.
Here I can stay not, for I seek my soul.”
Sri Aurobindo – Savitri: CWSA, Vol. 34, Book Seven, p. 498
Let the Truth be your master and your guide.
We aspire for the Truth and its triumph in our being and our activities.
Let the aspiration for the Truth be the dynamism of our efforts.
O Truth! We want to be guided by Thee. May Thy reign come upon earth.
The Mother – On Education: CWM, Vol. 12, p. 113
…. It’s always the same: realize your own being, enter into conscious contact with the supreme Truth of your own being, in WHATEVER form, by WHATEVER path (that’s totally irrelevant); it’s the only way. We each carry a truth within ourselves, and we must unite with that truth; we must live that truth. And the path we have to follow to realize and unite with this truth is the very path that will lead us as near as we can possibly come to Knowledge. I mean the two are absolutely one: the personal realization and Knowledge.
The Mother – Agenda, Vol. 3, pp. 157-158
Let the Truth be your master and your guide.
Let your consecration to Truth be complete and constant.
Be more eager for truth than for success.
The Mother – Words of the Mother – II : CWM, Vol. 14, p. 192
…. All fanaticism is false, because it is a contradiction of the very nature of God and of Truth. Truth cannot be shut up in a single book, Bible or Veda or Koran, or in a single religion. The Divine Being is eternal and universal and infinite.….. All religions have some truth in them, but none has the whole truth; all are created in time and finally decline and perish.
God and Truth outlast these religions and manifest themselves anew in whatever way or form the Divine Wisdom chooses. You cannot shut up God in the limitations of your own narrow brain or dictate to the Divine Power and Consciousness how or where or through whom it shall manifest; you cannot put up your puny barriers against the divine Omnipotence. These again are simple truths which are now being recognised all over the world; only the childish in mind or those who vegetate in some formula of the past deny them.
Sri Aurobindo – Essays Divine and Human : CWSA, Vol. 12, p. 306
Do not imagine that truth and falsehood, light and darkness, surrender and selfishness can be allowed to dwell together in the house consecrated to the Divine. The transformation must be integral, and integral therefore the rejection of all that withstands it.
Sri Aurobindo – The Mother with Letters on The Mother : CWSA, Vol. 32, p. 4
Effort towards the truth should exist in every man of goodwill.
Our life ought to be governed by the Love for Truth and the thirst for Light.
Absolute truthfulness must govern life if one wants to be close to the Divine
Only those who are perfectly truthful can be my true children.
The Mother – Words of the Mother – II : CWM, Vol. 14, p. 190
Never tell a lie: absolute condition for safety on the path
If you do not wish to say something which is true, instead of lying just keep silent.
Let nothing be written with this pen except what is perfectly true.
If we allow a falsehood, however small, to express itself through our mouth or our pen, how can we hope to become perfect messengers of Truth? A perfect servant of Truth should abstain even from the slightest inexactitude, exaggeration or deformation.
The Mother – Words of the Mother – II : CWM, Vol. 14, pp. 201-202
Naturally, all these discussions (or exchanges of opinion) are purely mental and have no value from the viewpoint of the Truth. Each mind has its way of seeing and understanding things, and even if you could unite and bring together all these ways of seeing, you would still be very far from attaining the Truth. It is only when, in the silence of the mind, you can lift yourself above thought, that you are ready to know by identity.
The Mother – Words of the Mother – II : CWM, Vol. 14, p. 200
It is always better to tell the truth rather than give a pleasant and sweet smile. But what you are saying is not the truth. It is only an expression of your opinion.
To tell the truth is not to utter whatever crosses your mind.
The Mother – Words of the Mother – II : CWM, Vol. 14, p. 200
To come closer to the Truth, you must often accept not to understand.
The Mother – Words of the Mother – II : CWM, Vol. 14, p. 197
Intellectually, the Truth is the point where all the opposites meet and join to make a unity.
Practically, the Truth is the surrender of the ego, to make possible the birth and manifestation of the Divine.
Doubt is the best arm used by the ego to protect itself from extinction.
The Mother – Words of the Mother – II : CWM, Vol. 14, p. 199
The world is a place of falsehood and it is only in the silent depths of the Divine that one can find the peace of truth.
The Mother – Words of the Mother – II : CWM, Vol. 14, p. 195
It is only the Truth that can save us; truth in words, truth in action, truth in will, truth in feelings. It is a choice between serving the Truth or being destroyed.
The Mother – Words of the Mother – II : CWM, Vol. 14, p. 195
Let us offer our falsehood to the Divine so that He may change it to joyous Truth.
The Mother – Words of the Mother – II : CWM, Vol. 14, p. 196
The only important thing is to follow the Divine’s truth with love and joy.
The truth is in us, we have only to become aware of it.
Blessed will be the day when the earth, awakened to the Truth, lives only for the Divine.
The Mother – Words of the Mother – II : CWM, Vol. 14, p. 191
Truth is a living, changing thing, which expresses itself every second and is ONE way of approaching the Supreme. Everyone has his own way of approaching the Supreme. There may be some who can approach Him from every side at the same time, but there are those who approach through Love, those who approach through Power, those who approach through Consciousness, and those who approach through Truth. And each of these aspects is as absolute, imperative and indefinable as the supreme Lord himself is. The supreme Lord is absolute, imperative and indefinable, ungraspable in his entirety, and his attributes have that same quality.
The Mother – Agenda, Vol. 7, p. 306
Those who wish to help the Light of Truth to prevail over the forces of darkness and falsehood, can do so by carefully observing the initiating impulses of their movements and actions, and discriminating between those that come from the Truth and those that come from the falsehood, in order to obey the first and to refuse or reject the others.
This power of discrimination is one of the first effects of the Advent of the Truth’s Light in the earth’s atmosphere….
The Mother – Agenda, Vol. 6, p. 36
Absolute Truthfulness
Must govern one’s life if one wants to be close to the Divine.
Solandra maxima
Chalice vine, Cup-of-gold vine
Very large solitary mildly fragrant cream to light yellow chalicelike flower with five purple lines extending from the base to the edge of the limb. A woody climbing shrub with glabrous leaves.
The Mother – Spiritual significance of flowers