

Do not trouble your mind about food. Take it in the right quantity (neither too much nor too little), without greed or repulsion, as the means given you by the Mother for the maintenance of the body, in the right spirit, offering it to the Divine in you; then it need not create tamas. 

It is much better to eat the meal in silence or at any rate in quietness.

Sri Aurobindo – Letters on Yoga  – IV: CWSA, Vol. 31, p. 421


As for Sannyasis and food, Sannyasis put a compulsion on their desires in this and other matters—they take ascetic food as a principle; but this does not necessarily kill the greed for food, it remains compressed and, if the compulsion or principle is removed, it can come up again stronger than before—for compression without removal often increases the force of these things instead of destroying them. Not to eat as the method of getting rid of the greed of food is the ascetic way. Ours is equanimity and non-attachment.

Sri Aurobindo – Letters on Yoga  – IV: CWSA, Vol. 31, p. 422


All quarrels in the place where food is prepared make food indigestible. The cooking must be done in silence and harmony.

The Mother – Words of the Mother – III: CWM, Vol. 15, p. 270
