A cosmos or universe is always a harmony, otherwise it could not exist, it would fly to pieces. But as there are musical harmonies which are built out of discords partly or even predominantly, so this universe (the material) is disharmonious in its separate elements-the individual elements are at discords with each other to a large extent; it is only owing to the sustaining Divine Will behind that the whole is still a harmony to those who look at it with the cosmic vision. But it is a harmony in evolution in progress – that is, all is combined to strive towards a goal which is not yet reached, and the object of our yoga is to hasten the arrival to this goal. When it is reached, there will be harmony of harmonies substituted for the present harmony built up on discords. This is the explanation of the present appearance of things.
Sri Aurobindo – Letters on Yoga: CWSA, Vol. 30, p 288
Each thing is in its place, in harmony with all the rest, – then one can begin to understand and live.
The Mother – Questions and Answers: CWM, Vol. 9, p 257
A universal beauty showed its face:
The invisible deep-fraught significances,
Here sheltered behind form’s insensible screen,
Uncovered to him their deathless harmony
And the key to the wonder-book of common things.
Sri Aurobindo – Savitri: CWSA, Vol. 33, Book Two, p 299
Integral harmony: harmony between things, harmony between people, harmony of circumstances and above all harmony of all aspiration directed towards the Supreme Truth.
The Mother – Words of the Mother – II: CWM, Vol 14, p 184
Beyond all preferences and limitations, there is a ground of mutual understanding where all can meet and find their harmony: it is the aspiration for a divine consciousness.
The Mother – Agenda: Vol. 13, p310
A harmonious collective aspiration can change the course of circumstances.
The Mother – Words of the Mother: CWM, Vol.14, p184
…. Actually, everything in the world is a question of equilibrium or disequilibrium, of harmony or disorder. Vibrations of harmony attract and encourage harmonious events; vibrations of disequilibrium create, as it were, a disequilibrium in circumstances (illnesses, accidents, etc.). This may be collective or individual, but the principle is the same – and so is the remedy: to cultivate in oneself order and harmony, peace and equilibrium by surrendering unreservedly to the Divine Will.
The Mother – Some Answers from the Mother: CWM, Vol.16, p322
Collective harmony is the work undertaken by the Divine Consciousness; It alone has the power to realise it.
There is a deep and true consciousness in which all can meet in love and harmony.
It is only in union with the Divine and in the Divine that harmony and peace can be established.
The Mother – Words of the Mother: CWM, Vol.14, p184
For harmony and better work, it is not by changing men that things can get better, but by changing one’s own consciousness and character.
The Mother – Words of the Mother: CWM, Vol.14, p309
Surely we must always want peace and harmony and work for it as much as we can―but for that the best field of action is always within ourselves.
Look for the inner causes of disharmony much more than the outer ones. It is the inside which governs the outside.
The Mother – Words of the Mother: CWM, Vol.14, p185
To recognise the presence of a “disharmonious atmosphere” is useful only so far as it wakes in each one the will to change it into a harmonious atmosphere and to do that the first important step is for each one to get out of his own limited point of view in order to understand the point of view of others. It is more important for each one to find the mistake in himself than to insist on the mistake of others.
The Mother – Words of the Mother: CWM, Vol.14, p310
Sri Aurobindo tells us that for human beings the degree of success in physical life depends on the degree of harmony between the individual and universal physical Nature. Some people have a will which is spontaneously in tune with the will of Nature, and they succeed in everything they undertake; others, on the contrary, have a will which is more or less totally out of tune with the will of cosmic Nature and they fail in everything they do or try to do.
The Mother – On Thoughts and Aphorisms: CWM, Vol.10, pp56-57
Sweet Mother,
In spite of my sustained effort to have good feeling for others and be a force for harmony in Mother’s creation, certain things happen that hit me with a devastating blow….. Under these circumstances, what should be my attitude? ….
My dear child,
I am truly sorry for the state of confusion of the place. It appears to me like a chaos.
I know very well your efforts and attempts to create a harmony. I am behind them to help—you know that. I am quite aware also of where things get twisted and crooked. But there is only one way to conquer—it is to persist in the right attitude obstinately, in spite of everything, ignoring all the contradictions and oppositions.
In full consciousness of the Truth, we do what has to be done, always the right thing in the right way, without caring for the effect on others, the answers of others and the consequences. The eyes fixed on the Truth, we will advance and conquer.
With love and blessings.
The Mother – More Answers from the Mother: CWM, Vol.17, pp183 – 84
The whole trouble comes from the fact that you cannot harmonise with someone unless he is in agreement with your own ideas and his opinion and way of doing things are in conformity with yours.
You must widen your consciousness and understand that everyone has his own law. It is necessary to find the ground of understanding and harmony in a happy combination of individual wills and not to try that all may be the same in an identical will and action.
One of the chief obstacles to the establishment of a progressive harmony is our eagerness to prove to an opponent that he is wrong and we are right.
The Mother – Words of the Mother: CWM, Vol.14, pp 266-67
The field of work does not change. What you are doing now, you will continue to do. It is in the attitude in the work, especially in the relation with the other workers, that the change must take place. Each one sees the work in his own way and believes it is the only true way, the only way that expresses the Divine Will. But none of these ways is completely true; it is only by rising above these divided conceptions that one can reach a better understanding of the Divine’s Will. This means mutual understanding and collaboration instead of opposition and clash of wills and feelings.
The Mother – Words of the Mother: CWM, Vol.14, pp 308-309
For all problems of existence are essentially problems of harmony. They arise from the perception of an unsolved discord and the instinct of an undiscovered agreement or unity. To rest content with an unsolved discord is possible for the practical and more animal part of man, but impossible for his fully awakened mind, and usually even his practical parts only escape from the general necessity either by shutting out the problem or by accepting a rough, utilitarian and unillumined compromise. For essentially, all Nature seeks a harmony, life and matter in their own sphere as much as mind in the arrangement of its perceptions.
This manifestation of beauty and harmony is part of the Divine realisation upon earth, perhaps even its greatest part.
Let us work for the day when this will become both the means and the end.
Antigonon leptopus
Coral vine, Confederate vine, Mexican creeper, Chain of love
Tiny delicate lantern-shaped white, pink, deep pink and bicoloured pink flowers in small racemes forming long trailing sprays. A dense fast growing vine with heavily veined lanceolate or ovate-cordate leaves.